Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My cute little trailer....

I think weve decided(meaning me) what to name her, its Marilyn after Marilyn Monroe.
So this is my next big project im working on. People think im crazy! Ask me if i care! Nope cus i freakin love her!! Yes im talking about a trailer..... Here are some before pics...

Shut the front door how cute is she!!!! HUH!

                                                                                   If you think im dumb its ok, look on the fancy farmgirl.com and you can see what im going to do with her. look at this tiny coffee pot i found in it, its so freakin cute.  Now i just need an old ford to pull it, and im set! This has girls weekend written all over it!


Sorry i really suck about blogging, so im not going to write everyday about what im grateful for, but these are some of my thoughts on gratitude.......

So often we get caught up in the illusion that there is something just beyond our reach that would bring us happiness, a better family situation, a better financial situation, or the end of a challenging trial. The older we get, the more we look back and realize that external circumstances dont really matter or determine our happiness, we determine our happiness, we are ultimately in charge of our own happiness.

Perhaps we should be looking less with our eyes and more with our hearts.
Quote i love: One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes."

Friday, November 2, 2012

Much to be thankful for......

So i have to do the 24 days of thankfulness, I missed yesterday so i'm doing two today........

So thankful for this man today! I love him with everything i am. I wouldnt be me without him.
Next is these little stinkers! So greatful for each one of them.

My Gabby.

I found these on my phone she had taken of herself,

She came out of the bathroom ans said dont i look like a fireman with blood and smoke? I was like no. She's so freakin cute! Love her.

Halloween 2012

Just a few pics from Halloween.........               


I am so halloweened out this year! But we had fun. Some pics from lagoon, I only like to go to lagoon during freighmares! I took all the girls didnt see Sydnee and Autumn once because they are way too cool to hang out with us.
Loved hash and slash!

My Izzy thought this was funny.

One of my best friends Lisa! We went through the haunted houses together and about pooped our pants!