Friday, December 30, 2011
A new year!
So im not doing a resolution this year, their stupid! Actually maybe mine will be eat more, laugh more, enjoy more, and have a kick ass year! Thats mine. (and graduate).
So i got to see this past week how rude and snotty teenagers can be. Honestly i think they all have a form of retardation for a period of time. Do they forget how their lives pretty much depend on us to live? Apparently not, now im not saying all teenagers just some. I have two in my life that i seriously want to punch in the throat! I guess im totally getting back what i gave my parents, it makes me really sad now. Love you mom, and dadplease forgive me for being a retarded teenager!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
My stuff....
So i did this girls hair today she is in the army, she lives in Germany. She was really a cute girl. here are some pics of her hair i did.
Turned out way cute. Oh ya she had black box color on it, not good.
So funny story went to the d.i today at lunch and locked my fricken keys in the car! Ya thats about the 20th time, so i called a lock smith to come open it, and they came opened it in like 5 minutes, i asked how much and the guy said dont worry about it! I was so happy, so im going to make cookies for them. Vandersteen auto they rock!
Turned out way cute. Oh ya she had black box color on it, not good.
So funny story went to the d.i today at lunch and locked my fricken keys in the car! Ya thats about the 20th time, so i called a lock smith to come open it, and they came opened it in like 5 minutes, i asked how much and the guy said dont worry about it! I was so happy, so im going to make cookies for them. Vandersteen auto they rock!
Monday, December 19, 2011
So does anyone want a freakin cat? Seriously i will pay you to take it! She really is sweet, and good with kids. I thought i could like cats, but Nope! Oh and i have a rooster too if you like!
I cannot believe Christmas is in 6 days! What the? I havent got to enjoy it much this year being in school i dont get much time, but im excited more this year to give than anything.
I cannot believe Christmas is in 6 days! What the? I havent got to enjoy it much this year being in school i dont get much time, but im excited more this year to give than anything.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Im all ready... I think!
So im all decorated but not quite ready yet. Still have things to buy, and will stress until its done. Oh ya so this year i really wanted a real tree. Funny thing the damn thing has died twice, so its now 10 days from christmas and i dont know if i should get a new one or just not have one this year! Never again will i do real trees!
Honey just dropping some hints for christmas....
Any of these will do.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Let it snow....
Love it! Every year i complain about it, but the first snow im like a little kid. My Izabel loves the snow, she will drink hot chocolate all year even when its 90 degrees outside! I think saturday we will be at the cabin sledding!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
I love sundays, unless your sick and you dont go to church. I got some presents done today wish i could post them, but it would ruin the surprise.
Im really hating winter this year it sucks! And i think it should snow or something, or maybe i should move to florida for the winter this weather is stupid and depressing.
I wanted to tell my little girls today how thankful i am for them. They take such good care of me and they are my little angels. My Gabby and Izzi arent teens yet so they still like me, i wish it would always stay that way, teenagers are no fun, so im glad they are still little.
This is how they take bubble baths....
Love fishing with dad...
Gabby loves her papa, and her horse!
Izabel loves babies, and dressing up...
Im really hating winter this year it sucks! And i think it should snow or something, or maybe i should move to florida for the winter this weather is stupid and depressing.
I wanted to tell my little girls today how thankful i am for them. They take such good care of me and they are my little angels. My Gabby and Izzi arent teens yet so they still like me, i wish it would always stay that way, teenagers are no fun, so im glad they are still little.
This is how they take bubble baths....
Love fishing with dad...
Gabby loves her papa, and her horse!
Izabel loves babies, and dressing up...
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
So i was at the d.i one day picking up a dresser and seen in the back this buffet and i wanted it, so the guy told me it would be on the floor sometime next week! So my mom called me and said it was out and i said grab the ticket! So here are my before and afters!
Ahhhh isn't it so cute 25 bucks baby! Don't judge me on my picture taking skills im not good at it!
Ahhhh isn't it so cute 25 bucks baby! Don't judge me on my picture taking skills im not good at it!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Hell to the no!
So if you know how bad me and Justo hates cats you would say it too! So funny thing guess who now has a cat! Thats right us. Its not actually ours its Izabel's, she loves cats.So when i saw this cat that showed up at my moms house all beat up, i had to rescue her. She is the sweetest cat ive seen, so i let her bring it home. We actually had to sneek it in the back so justo wouldnt see it. But he did, and said if he ever sees it in the house he will kill it!
So guess where the cat is now? In the mud room! His heart is too big to let it stay out int he cold!
Just was going to show one of my cute things i found at the d.i
Ahh cute huh! Its in Izabel's room for fish stormy to sit on.
So guess where the cat is now? In the mud room! His heart is too big to let it stay out int he cold!
Just was going to show one of my cute things i found at the d.i
Ahh cute huh! Its in Izabel's room for fish stormy to sit on.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Love this saying!
Found this saying and i love it!
Getting ready for Christmas this past week. What a pain, but its fun. Been to the d.i everyday this week, i found something i wanted and have been waiting for it to come out on the floor! Got it, and a lot more. I will show pictures of the before and afters.
Getting ready for Christmas this past week. What a pain, but its fun. Been to the d.i everyday this week, i found something i wanted and have been waiting for it to come out on the floor! Got it, and a lot more. I will show pictures of the before and afters.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
What matters most.
We had an awsome Thanksgiving! Its good to be around the people you love the very most, and who matter the most to you. Things were a little diffrent this year without Sydnee being here, and Abbie, and Autumn.
Justo fought with me and fought about not putting my tree up until Thanksgiving was over, but im pretty sure its up! He wouldn't help so me and my sister in law did it ourselves! Thats how we roll.
Not doing black friday this year, cus im just not feelin it, but i will be at the d.i bright and early! Now i can get into the Christmas spirit maybe.
Me and my sisters went to see breaking dawn. That was my second time. Love it! It is pretty cheesy but i like it. Other than the we had a yapper behind us the entire movie! I so wanted to go get her an empty glass and tell her i just bought her a tall glass of shut the hell up, but didnt. Anywho hop you all had a great Thanksgiving!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
My cousin Joni got married today in the logan temple, so proud of her, and so glad i got to see it. He is a good kid im glad they found each other, and we wish them the very best! Isnt she gorgeous!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
My rooster!
So im debating what to do with my rooster. He attacked me today! He attacked my daughters but i was like oh its not that bad just kick him, well Izabel came in the other day bawling her eyes out cus he got on her back and pecked her. So i was going to get the bb gun and shoot him but they wouldnt let me. So today i went out to feed them and the little jerk attacked me. I raised him from a tiny chick and thats how he thanks me! So i think i will be having chicken for dinner!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Cant think of a title...
Oh my gosh i just ran 13 miles today, and lifted for 3 hours! Im just joking i think its so dumb when people have to brag about a life cus they dont have one!
Any who today im greatful for......
This guy! No matter where we go he knows someone. We were in vegas once and i heard hey justo! Seriously that goes to show you what an impact he leaves on people. Anyone that knows him can second that, i have never heard anyone say a bad thing about him.
He has made me a better person, and hes all mine!
Any who today im greatful for......
This guy! No matter where we go he knows someone. We were in vegas once and i heard hey justo! Seriously that goes to show you what an impact he leaves on people. Anyone that knows him can second that, i have never heard anyone say a bad thing about him.
He has made me a better person, and hes all mine!
Monday, November 14, 2011
My happiness!
My Sydnee......
My Gabrielle....
My Izabel....
These 3 are the reason i breathe, they make me who i am, who i want to be. I have been a mother since i was 17, and i have loved every minute of it.
My step daughters came into my life 13 years ago and they are amazing kids i love them, i wish we could have them all the time to protect them and love them and give them stability.
Autumn j.....
5 amazing, beautiful girls. Each one has their own unique personality.
My Gabrielle....
My Izabel....
These 3 are the reason i breathe, they make me who i am, who i want to be. I have been a mother since i was 17, and i have loved every minute of it.
My step daughters came into my life 13 years ago and they are amazing kids i love them, i wish we could have them all the time to protect them and love them and give them stability.
Autumn j.....
5 amazing, beautiful girls. Each one has their own unique personality.
Friday, November 11, 2011
These past few weeks my faith has been tested. Today though i got to see an amazing thing happen. I know with everything i am that Heavenly Father gives us trials in our lives to strengthen us because he loves us so much he wants us to have every oppurtunity to become like him.
I have learned that if you endure til the end you will have more blessings than you can count.
Well ok now that im bawling i took my girls to see dolphin tale last night soooo cute! I have always wanted a pet dolphin in my backyard, now i want one even more! But I dont know if it would make it through the winter, its a bit chilly up here.
So i went back to school today after being gone for 2 1/2 weeks! It was great i forgot how much i love that place and everyone there. Ok peace out.
I have learned that if you endure til the end you will have more blessings than you can count.
Well ok now that im bawling i took my girls to see dolphin tale last night soooo cute! I have always wanted a pet dolphin in my backyard, now i want one even more! But I dont know if it would make it through the winter, its a bit chilly up here.
So i went back to school today after being gone for 2 1/2 weeks! It was great i forgot how much i love that place and everyone there. Ok peace out.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Im Thankful.....
For my mom and dad! They are the most amazing people EVER! They are always there for us when we need them, no matter what! They taught us to be good people and raised us good. I love them. Best grandparents you could ever have. So thats what im thankful for today.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
About me!
So im new to this, but i have looked at a few blogs, and ive decided im not going to be a bullshit blogger! Which means im not going to make up a fairytale blog, and wish that was my life! I love my life and am willing to share it even if its not all fairytale.
Ok so thats a little bit about me.
So Me and my husband have 5 girls between us. He has 2 from a previous marriage Abbigail(Abbie), and Autumn. And i have Sydnee from a previous marriage, and then we have Gabrielle(Gabby), and Izabel(Izzi). I know everyone says that their husbands are sooo amazing, but mine really is! Ask anyone (except his ex she's crazy)!
My Favorite things are: My Heavenly Father, Jesus, family,my sisters, my little farm, my house, my yorkie, girl stuff, decorating, camping, my ducks, goat, and chickens and swimming at the local aquatic center!(HAHA inside joke)!
Things i hate: Mornings, blog bullshitters, hypocrites, anxiety, idiots, j.g wentworth, Theres more but not enough time! Ok so thats a little bit about me.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Im a blogger!
So i finally decided i would start a blog, even though i make fun of them i thought it might be fun.
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