So if you know how bad me and Justo hates cats you would say it too! So funny thing guess who now has a cat! Thats right us. Its not actually ours its Izabel's, she loves cats.So when i saw this cat that showed up at my moms house all beat up, i had to rescue her. She is the sweetest cat ive seen, so i let her bring it home. We actually had to sneek it in the back so justo wouldnt see it. But he did, and said if he ever sees it in the house he will kill it!
So guess where the cat is now? In the mud room! His heart is too big to let it stay out int he cold!
Just was going to show one of my cute things i found at the d.i
Ahh cute huh! Its in Izabel's room for fish stormy to sit on.