Today was an amazing day!!!! Went to church me and Justo gave the opening and closing prayer. Then me and Justo taught our class, its the 9 and 10 year olds, and i got so emotional giving the lesson today. I just love to see these little children having an ah ha moment, i am so grateful i get to see these little children grow and that i get to be apart of teaching them the gospel, its so rewarding to me.
Then after church went out to my parents house and my mom made her famous chicken noodle soup with homemade noodles! Oh it made a great day, besides the normal teenage girls fighting i just block those out anymore cus they happen so frequently having 5 girls in the house and the p.m.s running ramped. My poor Justo he has to go straight to heaven with all the crap he puts up with.
Cant wait for this next week to be over i have my tests for school, i just hope it goes by fast....